So low and behold to day I go out to my garden to check things out and find I have a slew of beets ready to harvest. I begin pulling them up, and noticed I had three huge heads of broccolli ready to cut. We had it with dinner tonight. Yumm! I still have plenty in the fridge. Tomorrow I will probably spend canning beets, and spinach. I will need to pick some more of that as well. I am getting so excited with everything coming in. It is slow going for now, but I know it won't be long before it starts pouring in.
The two little squash plants I moved last week have survived the move and are growing. I pulled the hay from around them to allow sunlight. I am really amazed at the fact that they survived. Squash doesn't like to be moved, and I had to fight fire ants for these plants so not only were they moved, but I wan't able to move any of the surrounding dirt with them. I had planned to have about 4 squash plants this year, but due to volunteers, I am going to end up with 7. Not complaining. My volunteer tomatoes are doing well as well now that their roots are reestablished. Now that I have the beets almost put up, I need to be thinking of what I am going to plant there. Any thoughts?
Today was otherwise a calm day. I took the boys to the library to get a book to read. The are each to read a fiction novel over the next 2 weeks and write a book report on what they read. Mainly this is in order to help my youngest with his cursive writing, and grammer; and to help my oldest with writing in general. He has aspergers and it is hard for him to write for any length of time. He has a writing test he will be required to take next year in order to graduate. I want to get his skills built up to prepare him for this. I also don't want the boys to lose what they have learned over the year during the summer months. Well, this is all I can write for now. I will drop more later.