Can I tell you about Wolly?
I have so many memories of him.... He would smile at you; not the panting "He looks like he's smiling" smile, but a smile using only the front of his mouth. He would also talk back to me if he was in trouble. Not making any sounds, just the moving of his mouth like a teenager talking under their breath. There was the infamous Nerf cat safari. We'll talk about that another post.
We have three dogs (That's Wolly on the right) and one of them is Jesse (left), a female coon dog/beagle mix. That's Mona in the middle. Wolly and Jesse acted like an old married couple. If Wolly got out of the gate and Jesse didn't, she would nag him from the front door all the way to his kennel once he returned. He would just hang his head and endure until he got to his kennel. When he got to the age of 9-10 years, I would periodically let him out the back door to go run in the woods. He was older and I wanted him to have that chance while he could use it. I am glad I did. Sometimes he would walk around the house and past the front gate where Jesse was outside and then she could see him. Drove her crazy. Definitely a "Neener Neener" moment for him. Of my three dogs, Wolly was the only one I felt competent enough to be outside of the gate. I would let him out the back door while I was in the garden and within thirty minutes I would see him laying at the edge of the garden watching me and enjoying the spring breeze.
My constant companion for the past 9 years; he followed me everywhere. Many times My husband and I would be lying on the bed watching TV and I would get up to go check dinner or something. I would inadvertently step on Wolly due to the fact that he had tucked himself under my side of the bed. Even at his sickest, he would struggle to get up to follow me where ever I was headed. Finally Knight and I would pick him up and carry him where ever I was going next.
Don't get me wrong, I love Jesse and Mona, But Wolly was my baby. One of the hardest things to face these last few days has been the absence of him by my side. He is in every part of this house; from the absence of his tap, tap, tap as he made his way across the floor (he favored his previously dislocated hip), how he would sit in the kitchen watching me cook in the hopes I would toss him something to eat. He would sit at my feet while I ate dinner and place one paw on my leg to get my attention. He could make his eyes so big...well I just had to give him something off my plate!
I could go on and on..... I love him. I miss him. It is that easy. There is no way he can be replaced and the void is impossible to fill. I take comfort in the fact that I will see him again. Please save your breath if you are thinking dogs don't go to heaven. I don't believe that. I realize Christ didn't die for pets, but then again, maybe that was because He didn't have to.