Don't they say necessity is the mother of invention? I think I heard that somewhere. Well that is what I did. Come up with something, anything that would work.
I laid one box on the ground under each group of three bushes. Then I covered the bushes as much as I could with a tarp. I had to string the tarps on rope and stake them down due to high winds. Had it been the winds would last all night I wouldn't have minded the cold temps as much, but the winds were due to die down after sundown. So the plan was that the box would heat up the area and the tarps would hold it close to the bushes. It seems to have worked. We will see how my blueberries produce in a few months.
For my tomato babies I took a quart size mason jar and put it over each plant. These plants are already surrounded by a cage, so I filled the cage with pine straw. This morning seems to be the best time to remove the jars and see how my plants fared. Well they are all alive. I can say with confidence. Which is huge. About 40% are "what just happened?, where am I ?", but the other 60% are happy as clams. I am hoping the shell shocked 40% bounce back, but if not, a 60% success rate beats a 0% success rate. These were tomato plants that weren't happy to begin with so for it to be that positive an outcome makes me happy indeed. The rest of my plants that have yet to be put in the garden were brought in for a few days. Last night was their first night outside again and they have fared well.
Today is my birthday and so it is off to thrift store shopping. Yay.