Friday, May 25, 2012

UGH! It's so hot!

Well we had a warmer than normal winter and now we are having a hotter than normal spring.  So here we go again trying to keep the house cool without breaking the bank.  Yesterday the temp was 87 degrees in the house with the AC running.  Not good.  Today I have covered the sliding glass door, which ironically faces the sun at its height.  I am hoping that will help, but hate the fact that I can't look outside and see my pretty garden. (pout).  I have also been trying to cook more outside using the grill and a crock pot.  It has worked so far.  I am thinking come canning time I will be using the grill for some of my canning.  I read an interesting tip the other day on energy savings during canning. The tip was to put your canner outside in the morning and let the sun heat the water for you.  That way it doesn't take as much energy to bring the water to boiling when you can.  I think I will go one further and put my jars in there as well.  I am going to try this experiment once my canning starts.  I have gotten some things form my garden so far.  Mainly spinach, lettuce, and broccoli.  I dug up enough potatoes yesterday to have for dinner, about 21/2 lbs.  They were the new potatoes.  Love those.  I put a roast, the new potatoes, and fresh rosemary and Thyme from my herb bed into my crock pot and let it simmer on the back deck. The pic above is the corner of my herb bed.  Kind of a rustic type look, but I used what I had on hand to make the bed. Works like a charm.  I also made sun tea.  In fact now that I am thinking about it, I need to put some more outside to brew.
I need t make bread, and so I am planning on making up the dough this afternoon but baking it tonight after the sun goes down.  I have been remiss lately in using my clothes line, and since a hot dryer adds to a hot house, I will be going back to using my clothes line.  Well, wish I could share some earth shattering tip that will set the blogo-sphere aflutter, but alas no such luck.  Instead I will get up from here and get started on my day as always. I hope everyone has a great day and stay cool if you are in the south!

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